USA Lacrosse Tournaments/Exhibition Games

Tournaments/Exhibition Games Insurance Description
Tournaments/Exhibition Games Insurance Description - Less Info
  • Provides Blanket Accident and Liability Insurance coverage whether players are USL members or not.
  • This coverage can only be purchased by Tournament or Exhibition Game organizers to cover a Tournament or Exhibition Game event. Individual teams cannot purchase this insurance just to cover their participation in a tournament.
  • Insurance rates are based upon the number of teams participating subject to a $450 minimum premium plus the USA Lacrosse admin fee.
  • If paying by check, make check payable to "Bollinger Inc.", and mail to: 200 Jefferson Park, Attn: Sports, Whippany, NJ 07981. Full payment must be received in RPS Bollinger's office 5 business days prior to your event in order for insurance to be bound or for a certificate of insurance to be issued.
  • Within 5 days after the end of your event, submit a roster in excel or word format with player�s names, dates of birth, and addresses for claim verification purposes.
  • Please Note: The USA Lacrosse Camp Insurance Program is designed for non-profit camps and organizations. It is not meant to provide complete commercial business coverage for large or year-round operations. Please contact RPS Bollinger if you need business insurance for large camp operations.
  • Coaches should still be members of USA Lacrosse.
Download the application form to fill out and mail, or purchase online below using a credit card. Less Info

As of August 1, 2018, USA Lacrosse no longer offers an insurance option to tournament operators who do not require membership in USA Lacrosse. USA Lacrosse will still help your events secure tournament insurance through our Sanctioning Program or by verifying 100% USL membership. Please contact USA Lacrosse at 410-235-6882 x102 or for more information. For a full overview of our sanctioning program, please visit

If you are looking to purchase coverage for an alumni/ae or exhibition game, please fill out this application and email it to All alumni/ae and exhibition games will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine eligibility.